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Student & Young Professional Scholarships

Expand your horizons - connect, learn, grow, and have fun with your SEI community.

Scholarships (toward registration and travel cost) to participate in Structures Congress, April 9-11, 2025 in Phoenix, and get involved in SEI are provided by the SEI Futures Fund in collaboration with the ASCE Foundation. The intent is for recipients to connect and experience the value of membership at the conference, with the view to continue membership and involvement in SEI programs, committees, chapters, etc. Student membership to ASCE/SEI is free, as well as the first year after graduation. 

Student Scholarship 

Eligibility: Must be a current full-time student (undergrad or grad student enrolled in civil engineering or similar program), a current SEI member (one Institute is free with ASCE membership), and have not attended Structures Congress previously. 

Make sure to review details, the areas of evaluation, and what needs to be included on your application BEFORE applying. 

Application deadline: January 3, 2025 


Young Professional Scholarship


  • Must be a young professional (35 years or younger) SEI member in industry or academia with plans to become more involved with SEI. Up to 5 scholarships are available for full-time young professional teaching faculty through age 40. 
  • Limited to one time per recipient 
  • Students are not eligible

Make sure to review details, and what needs to be included on your application BEFORE applying. 

Application deadline: January 3, 2025


Questions? Contact Suzanne Fisher 

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